William Noll

William Noll

My name is William Peter Francis Noll, but my friends call me Will Noll. I’m a PhD student in Computational Neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University, co-advised by Drs. Byron Yu, Steve Chase, and Aaron Batista. My research interests are brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), designing machine learning tools to analyze neural popuation activity, neurorehabilitation, and motor control. My PhD work aims to leverage BCIs as a research tool to learn more how the brain controls movement. In the longterm, I strive to become a principal investigator that uses BCIs for clinical applications to help people with tetraplegia/spinal cord injury, neuromuscular disorders, and blindness.

I have interned in the Functional Neurosurgery Unit at the National Institute of Health (neural engineering with Dr. Kareem Zaghloul) and at Barrow Neurological Institute (spinal biomechanics with Dr. Brian Kelly). Prior to joining CMU, I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Engineering in Biomedical Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). At ASU, I worked as a laboratory technician and completed my undergraduate thesis in the Neural Control of Movement Laboratory with Dr. Marco Santello working on behavioral dexterous manipulation experiments in humans. I also studied postural balance on unstable ground conditions with Dr. Hyunglae Lee.

I am always excited on working on impactful projects. Send me an email if you're interested in collaboration!

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